Dream dream dream... dream

So I had a dream last night that I woke up crying from. So it goes:

My father had a painting of our backyard. And in my dream, our backyard was an English country-side with some sort of cottage or Parthenon structure nearby.

But the painting was done in a crude modern art in-third-grade-I-drew-this kind of way.

So, in the dream, when my father told me, at the Cal Train station, that he had given the painting to the SF Moma, I began to violently sob. I was outrageously upset. I just kept sobbing and sobbing. I had only sobbed this much in my dreams when my mother dies in them.

And I was especially upset that he didn't at least sell it or keep it. All he got was this little card that said something like Donor but it wasn't that with HILL INTRO underneath with a little plastic bouquet in between that stuck out. But I just kept sobbing and shouting at him.

Wonder what it means...