
I'm about to finish my first year of college. And it's scary because I still am not totally sure of what I want to do.

But that's normal right? Career cold feet? It's normal to try and figure your shit out before you actually figure anything out.

Oh my.

Ready for this school year to be over.

It's been a lot to swallow.

And yet, I've really swallowed nothing.

Heh. That wasn't supposed to be sexual but it became so.

I don't know what else to say.

I'll fix this with pictures later.


Why do I feel so used and abused?

Well no more!

First, one of my "friends" takes one of my scantrons when she could just walk to the bookstore and buy one herself especially when she missed her morning class to study?

And of course she takes the nice smooth one and not the bent up folded one that my suitemate borrowed because she was too incompetent to know what scantron she actually needed.

Now, both my suitemates are using my printer. Just assuming.

And maybe these are all a bunch of silly little things.

But all these stupid little silly things add up.

And enough is enough.

this is the internet and can be seen by everyone.

I think crazy Sara will subside once school is over.

God, I hope so.

Only two more weeks.

But I don't know if I'm going to make it.